Return Policy

We strive to provide you with an exceptional shopping experience. However, we understand that you may need to return a product at times. We have our return policy to make the process easier for you. Please read the conditions below carefully before proceeding with a return.

Return Policy

We are committed to processing your return request efficiently and providing a quick response.

Claims Deadline

Any claim for a return must be made within 5 business days after receiving the product. Beyond this deadline, we won't be able to accept your return request.

Product Condition

The product must be in its original condition, unused, undamaged, in its original packaging, and without a price tag attached to the products.

Return Authorization

Before returning a product, you need to obtain return authorization from our customer service. Contact us at or 02/425.72.43, or use the form below or consult with a representative to initiate the return process.

Refund or Exchange

Once we receive and inspect the returned product, we will proceed with a refund (via a credit note) or an exchange, according to your preference. The credit note will be processed within 5 business days after receiving the returned product.

Return Form

Looks good
Write your "First Name".
Looks good
Write your "Last Name".
Looks good
Write your "Customer Number".
Looks good
Write your "VAT Number".
Looks good
Write your "Company Name".
Looks good
Write your "Email address".
Looks good
Write your "Mobile".

Information about the product to be returned

Looks good
Write your "Article Number".
Looks good
Write your "Article Name".
Looks good
Write your "Expiration Date".
Looks good
Write your "Lot Number".
Looks good
Write your "Reason for Return".
Click to upload a new photo
Click to upload a new photo
Click to upload a new photo
Click to upload a new photo
* Tadal S.A. reserves the right to reject the return directly if the image does not match reality or if you do not correctly fill in all the information, such as the product name, expiration date, lot number, etc.